Inventing Unique Brands: From Ordinary to Extraordinaryā€”Itā€™s Game ON!

branding cloud on marketing ordinary Aug 12, 2024

Building a brand that stands out in the market is challenging, but maintaining its distinct identity amidst rapid growth is even more so. Brands like The Ordinary and Cloud ON have managed to navigate these challenges, becoming icons in their respective industries. This blog explores the strategies behind these brands, their journey from inception to market leadership, and how they’ve managed to keep their brand mojo intact. By examining these case studies, we provide insights on creating and sustaining a top brand in any industry.


Deciem’s The Ordinary: A Case Study in Maintaining Brand Uniqueness


The Ordinary, under the Deciem umbrella, revolutionized the skincare industry with its minimalist, science-driven approach. Offering high-quality formulations at affordable prices, it quickly became a cult favorite. However, as the brand gained popularity, maintaining its uniqueness became a challenge. In 2021, The Ordinary was acquired by L'Oréal, raising concerns about whether it could preserve its original identity under a global conglomerate.

Investment Thesis:

Deciem’s strategy centered on offering effective, no-nonsense skincare products at accessible prices. By demystifying skincare through transparency and simplicity, The Ordinary built a loyal customer base that valued honesty and straightforwardness.

What Went Right:

  1. Transparency and Integrity: The Ordinary built trust by providing detailed information on product ingredients and their effects. This transparency became a cornerstone of the brand’s success.

  2. Selective Expansion: Deciem carefully chose its retail partners and distribution channels, preserving the brand’s exclusivity and avoiding market oversaturation.

  3. Commitment to Core Values: Even after the L'Oréal acquisition, The Ordinary has maintained its focus on offering effective, science-based skincare without the marketing fluff.

What Went Wrong:

The challenge for The Ordinary lies in balancing its growing popularity with maintaining its cult status. As the brand becomes more mainstream, there is a risk of diluting the very essence that made it special.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Stick to Core Values: Even with the backing of a global giant like L'Oréal, it’s crucial to stay true to the principles that made the brand successful.

  2. Selective Growth: Rapid expansion can dilute a brand’s uniqueness. Thoughtful, selective growth helps maintain brand integrity.

  3. Customer Engagement: Regularly communicating with and listening to customers ensures the brand remains aligned with consumer needs and expectations.


Cloud ON: Keeping the Brand’s Mojo Intact


Cloud ON emerged as a tech innovator and quickly expanded into various sectors, including smart home devices and wearables. Remarkably, just 12 years after its inception, Cloud ON has become one of the top three sports brands sponsoring the Olympics, standing shoulder to shoulder with giants like Adidas and Nike.

Investment Thesis:

Cloud ON aimed to create seamless, interconnected experiences through technology, positioning itself as a leader in the smart tech space. The brand’s vision was to enhance everyday life with cutting-edge technology that was accessible and user-friendly.

What Went Right:

  1. Consistent Innovation: Cloud ON continually introduced products that not only aligned with its mission but also pushed the boundaries of what consumers expected from smart technology.

  2. Engaging Marketing Campaigns: The brand focused on storytelling, showcasing how its products improved daily life. This emotional connection helped build a loyal customer base.

  3. Customer-Centric Approach: By prioritizing customer feedback, Cloud ON refined its products to meet evolving consumer needs, ensuring continued relevance and satisfaction.

What Went Wrong:

While Cloud ON has successfully managed its growth, the rapid pace of innovation sometimes led to challenges in maintaining product quality and consistency. Additionally, the brand faced stiff competition from larger tech giants.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Innovation Must Align with Brand Vision: While innovation is crucial, it should always tie back to the brand’s core mission and values.

  2. Customer Feedback is Gold: Continuous improvement based on customer feedback keeps a brand relevant and ensures customer loyalty.

  3. Strategic Marketing: Effective storytelling and emotional engagement can differentiate a brand in a crowded market.


Creating a Top Brand and Keeping It Great

Building a successful brand requires more than just a great product. Here’s a blueprint for creating and sustaining a top brand:

  1. Define Your Brand Identity:

    • Clearly articulate your brand’s purpose, mission, and values.
    • Ensure your brand stands for something unique that resonates with your target audience.
  2. Understand Your Audience:

    • Conduct thorough market research to understand your customers’ needs and preferences.
    • Develop detailed customer personas to guide your branding efforts.
  3. Create a Unique Value Proposition:

    • Identify what sets your brand apart from competitors.
    • Communicate your brand’s value clearly and consistently across all channels.
  4. Build a Strong Visual Identity:

    • Develop a memorable logo and design elements that reflect your brand’s personality.
    • Maintain visual consistency across all platforms and marketing materials.
  5. Develop a Compelling Brand Story:

    • Craft a narrative that connects emotionally with your audience.
    • Ensure your brand story is authentic and aligns with your brand’s mission and values.
  6. Deliver Exceptional Customer Experience:

    • Focus on quality and ensure your products or services meet or exceed customer expectations.
    • Provide excellent customer support to build loyalty and trust.
  7. Engage with Your Audience:

    • Leverage social media and content marketing to build a community around your brand.
    • Regularly engage with your audience to maintain a strong connection.
  8. Adapt and Innovate:

    • Stay agile and be open to change as market trends evolve.
    • Continuously innovate to keep your brand fresh and relevant.


Creating and maintaining a successful brand requires a delicate balance of consistency, innovation, and customer engagement. Whether you’re following the path of The Ordinary or Cloud ON, the key to long-term success lies in staying true to your brand’s core values while remaining adaptable in a rapidly changing market.


Join the Value Creation Innovation Institute to learn more about building and sustaining brands that stand the test of time. Visit our website for more insights.

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