Questionable Practices in the Luxury Goods Industry: The Illusion of Value in Watches and Bags

bad practices brands luxury goods vcii Aug 12, 2024

The luxury goods industry, particularly high-end watches and designer bags, has cultivated an image of exclusivity, craftsmanship, and prestige. However, beneath this glamorous exterior lies a set of practices that raise ethical concerns and contribute to a superficial culture driven by social media influence and the desire to flaunt wealth. This article explores these questionable practices, their implications, and the shifting consumer mindset that now sees paying full retail as a badge of honor rather than a failure to secure a deal.

Questionable Practices in the Luxury Industry:

  1. Artificial Scarcity and Price Manipulation:

    • Practice: Luxury brands often create artificial scarcity by releasing limited editions or deliberately restricting stock. This practice drives up demand and maintains high prices, creating the illusion of rarity.
    • Why It's Problematic: This manipulation exploits consumers by artificially inflating prices beyond the true value of the product. It also fuels a culture of unnecessary consumption, where the perceived value of an item is more important than its intrinsic worth.
    • Impact on Consumer Behavior: Consumers are led to believe they are acquiring something unique, driving them to spend exorbitant amounts on items that may not be as rare as they appear.
  2. Destruction of Unsold Goods:

    • Practice: To maintain brand exclusivity, some luxury brands destroy unsold merchandise instead of discounting or donating it. This practice ensures that their products remain scarce and that their brand image is not diluted by sales or clearance items.
    • Why It's Problematic: This practice is wasteful and environmentally harmful. It highlights the industry's prioritization of image over sustainability and ethical responsibility.
    • Impact on Consumer Behavior: The destruction of goods perpetuates a cycle of waste and overproduction, as brands continue to churn out new collections while discarding unsold items to maintain their image.
  3. Social Media Influence and Superficiality:

    • Practice: Social media has amplified the desire for luxury goods, with influencers and celebrities flaunting their latest purchases to millions of followers. The emphasis on appearances over substance has led to a culture where owning luxury items is seen as a status symbol, regardless of the ethical implications behind their production.
    • Why It's Problematic: This superficial culture encourages mindless consumption and reinforces harmful practices within the luxury industry. Consumers are more focused on the brand and its perceived status than on the quality or craftsmanship of the product.
    • Impact on Consumer Behavior: Social media has made luxury goods more accessible in terms of visibility, but it has also led to a shift in consumer values, where the brand name is more important than the actual product.
  4. Inflation and the Shift in Consumer Mindset:

    • Practice: In an era of inflation and economic uncertainty, luxury brands continue to raise prices, often justified by their perceived exclusivity and quality. However, this has led to a paradoxical consumer behavior where paying full retail price is now seen as a mark of success.
    • Why It's Problematic: The idea that paying full retail  price for a luxury item is a "great deal" reflects a distorted sense of value and success. It suggests that the true value of the product lies in the brand name and its associated status, rather than in the product itself.
    • Impact on Consumer Behavior: This mindset has been fueled by the rise of cryptocurrencies and venture capital wealth, where newly wealthy individuals seek to display their success through luxury purchases. The emphasis on paying retail rather than seeking discounts or deals further inflates the perceived value of luxury goods.


The Role of Social Media in Perpetuating These Practices:

Social media platforms, particularly Instagram and TikTok, have played a significant role in perpetuating these questionable practices. Influencers, who are often paid by luxury brands to promote their products, showcase their lavish lifestyles and encourage their followers to aspire to the same level of luxury. This has created a culture where owning luxury items is seen as a necessity for social status, further driving demand for these products.

The constant exposure to luxury goods on social media has led to a normalization of excessive spending on items that may not offer real value. It has also contributed to the rise of a superficial culture where appearances matter more than substance, and where the ethical implications of purchasing luxury goods are often overlooked.

Lessons for Consumers:

  • Question the Value: Consumers should critically assess the value of luxury goods beyond their brand name and consider whether they are truly worth the price.
  • Be Aware of Manipulation: Understanding the tactics used by luxury brands to create artificial scarcity and inflate prices can help consumers make more informed purchasing decisions.
  • Consider Sustainability: Before purchasing a luxury item, consider the environmental and ethical implications of supporting a brand that may engage in wasteful or harmful practices.
  • Reject Superficiality: Avoid falling into the trap of buying luxury goods solely for the sake of social media appearances. Focus on quality and craftsmanship rather than brand prestige.


The luxury goods industry, particularly in the sectors of watches and bags, must address its questionable practices if it is to maintain its allure and integrity. As consumers become more aware of the ethical implications of their purchases, brands that prioritize transparency, sustainability, and genuine value will be better positioned to thrive in the long term. The luxury industry's future success will depend on its ability to adapt to changing consumer values and expectations, moving away from superficiality and toward substance.

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