The GROWTH Framework: Key Metrics for Startup Success

growth framework stratup metrics Jul 24, 2024

Understanding and tracking key metrics is essential for the success of any startup. To simplify this process, the Value Creation Institute introduces the GROWTH Framework, encapsulating crucial metrics every startup should monitor:

  1. G: Gross Margin

    • Efficiency of production processes, expressed as a percentage of revenue.
  2. R: Recurring Revenue (MRR & ACV)

    • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): Predictable monthly revenue from subscriptions.
    • Annual Contract Value (ACV): Average annual revenue per customer contract.
  3. O: Operational Costs

    • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Cost of acquiring a new customer.
    • Burn Rate: Capital expenditure rate before positive cash flow.
  4. W: Worth of Customer (LTV)

    • Lifetime Value (LTV): Total expected revenue from a customer over their relationship with the company.
  5. T: Turnover (Churn Rate)

    • Churn Rate: Percentage of customers who stop using the product/service within a time period.
  6. H: Happiness (NPS & Activation Rate)

    • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    • Activation Rate: Percentage of users completing key actions indicating product value.

These metrics are vital for assessing growth, sustainability, and profitability, helping attract investors and achieve long-term success.

For more insights and guidance on startup funding and metrics, visit

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