What Do the Top Leadership and Coaching Influencers in 2024 Have in Common?

influencer leadership linkedin personal branding Aug 07, 2024


Reflecting on the “Big Blue Catwalk” - LinkedIn, some influencers shine for their exceptional leadership and coaching skills. We tasked one of our volunteer analysts to crawl LinkedIn and participate in key trending threads on leadership. Besides promoting our VCII, a non-profit educational platform, we wanted to observe and assess what makes today's LinkedIn influencers stand out. Here's what we found. Newcomers to LinkedIn or aspiring public figures, take note:


The 15 Hours of Influence

  1. Self-Made Success Stories: Top influencers are self-made, showcasing resilience and resourcefulness in their journeys. Their stories inspire followers to pursue their own paths with determination. These influencers have built their careers and reputations from the ground up, demonstrating that success is achievable through hard work and perseverance.
  2. Intellectual and Articulate: These influencers excel in communication, articulating their ideas clearly and persuasively. Their posts and replies are well-thought-out, demonstrating their depth of knowledge and expertise. Their ability to convey complex ideas simply and effectively sets them apart.
  3. Composed Under Pressure: Despite being opinionated and passionate, they maintain composure in discussions, ensuring their messages remain constructive and professional. This balance of emotion and rationality helps them navigate heated debates and maintain respect and credibility.
  4. Natural PR Gurus: These influencers are masters of personal branding, marketing themselves subtly yet consistently. They blend their personal and professional personas seamlessly, creating a relatable yet authoritative online presence. Their knack for self-promotion is both genuine and strategic.
  5. Genuine Content Creators: They share authentic and original content, often adding unique perspectives to widely available information. By giving credit where it’s due and infusing their personalities into their posts, they create genuine connections with their audience.
  6. Persistent and Resilient: Their paths to success are marked by perseverance. They openly discuss their failures and the lessons learned, motivating their followers to keep pushing forward despite setbacks. Their resilience serves as a powerful example of the value of persistence.
  7. Supportive of Underdogs: They champion the cause of the underdog, embodying the principles they preach. Known for their supportive nature, they uplift others and encourage their audience to do the same. Their actions reflect a commitment to fostering community and collaboration.
  8. Passionate and Enthusiastic: Their passion for their work is infectious. They genuinely love what they do, and this enthusiasm resonates with their followers. Their posts often reflect a deep-seated passion that inspires others to pursue their interests with equal vigor.
  9. Creatively Driven: Creativity is a hallmark of their content. They consistently find innovative ways to present ideas, making their posts visually appealing and intellectually stimulating. Their creative approach sets them apart in a crowded digital landscape.
  10. Visual Storytellers: High-quality visuals are a staple in their content. They understand the power of imagery in capturing attention and conveying messages effectively. Whether through videos, infographics, or captivating photos, they excel in visual storytelling.
  11. Entrepreneurial Risk-Takers: These influencers are not afraid to take risks. Many have left secure, high-paying jobs to pursue their passions. Their entrepreneurial spirit drives them to explore new ventures and opportunities, setting an example for aspiring entrepreneurs.
  12. Strategic and Tactical Thinkers: They combine strategic vision with tactical execution. They understand that success is a journey that requires careful planning and incremental progress. Their ability to educate, entertain, and support within a well-defined strategy is key to their influence.
  13. Transparent and Trustworthy: Transparency and trustworthiness are core to their brand. They are open about their successes and failures, building trust with their audience. This authenticity fosters a loyal following that values their honest insights and advice.
  14. Data-Driven Decision Makers: They rely on data to guide their decisions. By analyzing metrics and trends, they continuously refine their strategies to maximize impact. Their data-driven approach ensures that they stay relevant and effective in their fields.
  15. Systematic Salespersons: Ultimately, their goal is to sell—whether it's products, services, or ideas. Their content and support are strategically crafted to build brand equity and drive sales. They masterfully balance value creation with subtle promotion, earning their place in the market fair and square.


These 15 characteristics—the "15 Hours of Influence"—are what set top leadership and coaching influencers apart. Their combination of authenticity, strategic thinking, creativity, and resilience makes them formidable figures in the digital landscape. By emulating these traits, aspiring influencers can build their own path to success.

Join the Value Creation Innovation Institute to learn more about fostering these key traits and creating a thriving personal brand. Visit our website for more information.

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