When on LinkedIn, Support the Underdog

linkedin social media Jul 28, 2024

We  have thought thoroughly at VCII content creators before deciding on publishing this blog post. We believe that - while this topic is an outlier within our novel and formal portfolio of inspiring content, sheding light on this topic is valuable and insightful to better reflect on how minor actions can have major impact especially on social media such as LinkedIn. 


LinkedIn is more than just a professional networking site; it's a surreal catwalk where professionals showcase their achievements, share insights, and engage with others. However, the dynamics of showing support on LinkedIn are complex. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn's professional nature requires a nuanced approach to liking and supporting posts. This blog post explores the intricacies of supporting the underdog on LinkedIn and offers strategies for navigating this professional landscape with kindness and respect.

LinkedIn: A Professional Catwalk

LinkedIn is a unique platform where professional achievements and insights take center stage. The way you engage on LinkedIn can significantly impact your professional relationships and career prospects. While it's important to show support and kindness, it's equally important to understand the unwritten rules that govern this professional space.

The Complexity of Supporting on LinkedIn

Supporting posts on LinkedIn is not as straightforward as it might be on other platforms. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Professional Hierarchy: LinkedIn interactions often reflect professional hierarchies. Liking your boss's (or clients') post can be seen as a gesture of respect and alignment. However, this dynamic can make it challenging to engage authentically.
  2. Perception and Reputation: Your activity on LinkedIn contributes to your professional image. Supporting certain posts or individuals can influence how others perceive you.
  3. Strategic Engagement: Engagement on LinkedIn can be strategic. Supporting posts from influential figures can be a way to align yourself with their network and opportunities.


The Case for Supporting the Underdog

Amidst the complex dynamics, supporting the underdog—those who might not have a large following or influential voice—can be a powerful and impactful gesture. Here's why:

  1. Encouraging Diversity: Supporting underrepresented voices promotes diversity of thought and experience on the platform.
  2. Building Genuine Connections: Engaging with underdogs can lead to more meaningful and reciprocal relationships, as these individuals are often more appreciative and responsive.
  3. Fostering a Positive Culture: By supporting those who might not always be in the spotlight, you contribute to a more inclusive and supportive LinkedIn community.

Keep in mind - if reciprocation is a goal or desire you have, the underdog is more likely to meet this goal as opposed to an established or self-proclaimed "infleuncer". 


Strategies for Supporting the Underdog

  1. Engage Authentically: When you come across a post from an underdog that resonates with you, engage genuinely. Leave thoughtful comments that add value to the conversation.
  2. Share Their Content: Amplify the voices of underdogs by sharing their posts with your network. Highlight why you found their content valuable.
  3. Offer Constructive Feedback: If appropriate, provide constructive feedback. This can help underdogs refine their ideas and presentations, contributing to their professional growth.
  4. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of underdogs. Whether it's a new job, a professional milestone, or an insightful article, your support can boost their confidence and visibility.
  5. Connect and Collaborate: Reach out to underdogs for potential collaborations or networking. Building a network of diverse and supportive connections can benefit everyone involved.


Navigating Professional Hierarchies

While supporting the underdog is important, it's also crucial to navigate professional hierarchies with care. Here are a few tips:

  1. Balance Your Engagement: While it's good to support underdogs, ensure that your engagement is balanced. Also, engage with peers, mentors, and industry leaders to maintain a well-rounded network.
  2. Be Mindful of Perceptions: Consider how your interactions might be perceived by others. Ensure that your support is seen as genuine and not merely a strategic move.
  3. Avoid Creating Prima Donnas: Be cautious about overly supporting individuals who may become prima donnas or supervoices that do not reciprocate or listen. Aim to build reciprocal and respectful professional relationships.


Cultivating a Supportive LinkedIn Environment

Supporting the underdog on LinkedIn is a meaningful way to contribute to a more diverse, inclusive, and supportive professional community. By engaging authentically, sharing valuable content, and celebrating the achievements of underrepresented voices, you can make a positive impact. Remember to navigate professional hierarchies with care and strive for balanced and genuine interactions.

For more insights on professional networking and leadership, visit the Value Creation Innovation Institute.


Additional Takeaways: 

  1. Authenticity Matters: The post emphasizes the importance of authenticity, and I couldn’t agree more. When engaging with others on LinkedIn, being genuine and sincere goes a long way. People appreciate real connections rather than canned or automated messages.
  2. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrating the achievements of underrepresented voices is crucial. Whether it’s sharing their accomplishments, congratulating them publicly, or amplifying their content, these actions contribute to a positive environment. It’s a way of saying, “Your success matters, and we see you.”
  3. Avoid Prima Donnas: The caution about not overly supporting individuals who may become prima donnas is spot-on. While it’s essential to uplift others, it’s equally important to maintain a balance. Reciprocity matters—support should flow both ways. Building respectful relationships benefits everyone.
  4. Professional Hierarchies: Navigating professional hierarchies can be tricky. It’s essential to treat everyone with respect, regardless of their position. Sometimes, the most valuable insights come from unexpected sources. Be open-minded and willing to learn from diverse perspectives.
  5. LinkedIn Etiquette: Remember that LinkedIn is a professional platform. While it’s okay to be friendly, avoid oversharing personal details or engaging in overly casual conversations. Strike a balance between warmth and professionalism.

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