BHAG Next! What is your yours?

bhag goals resource allocation Sep 14, 2024


A Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is a compelling, long-term vision that inspires and drives organizations to achieve extraordinary results. Coined by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras in their book "Built to Last," a BHAG goes beyond traditional goal-setting by challenging a company to aim for something seemingly impossible yet achievable with dedication, innovation, and perseverance.


What is a BHAG?

A BHAG is an ambitious, clear, and powerful objective that requires the full commitment of a team or organization. It’s designed to motivate and unify efforts toward a common, transformative goal. Unlike short-term goals, BHAGs are bold and long-term, often set 10-30 years in the future, and require significant changes in strategy and execution to achieve.

Why is it Important?

BHAGs provide a sense of purpose and direction, acting as a North Star for the organization. They help align efforts, encourage risk-taking, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. By setting a BHAG, companies can rally their teams around a shared vision, breaking down silos and creating a unified push toward a significant outcome.


Examples of  BHAGs: From Mars to Next Door

BHAGs are ambitious goals that push boundaries and inspire teams to achieve greatness. They often reflect the personal vision of leaders who are willing to commit vast resources and focus to these pursuits. Here are some examples:

Major Colossal BHAGs

Company BHAG Description


To make life multi-planetary by colonizing Mars, revolutionizing space travel.


To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.


A computer on every desk and in every home, making technology widely available.


To become Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find anything they might want to buy online.


To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, transforming the automotive and energy industries.



The BHAG Next Door: Smaller Yet Impactful BHAGs

While some BHAGs are colossal in scale, others are more localized but still highly impactful. These goals can be just as transformative within their contexts:

Company/Leader BHAG Description


To use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.

Ben & Jerry’s

To make the best possible ice cream in the nicest way possible, prioritizing sustainable practices.


To help bring creative projects to life by providing a platform for crowdfunding opportunities.


To spread ideas and inspire change globally through short, powerful talks.



BHAGs: From Global Giants to Local Leaders

Whether on a global scale or within a specific community, BHAGs have the power to drive innovation, inspire teams, and create lasting impact. The commitment to these goals often defines the culture and trajectory of an organization, turning ambitious visions into reality.


BHAGs: A Personal Obsession for Leaders

Taking Ownership: BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) often become a personal mission for CEOs and leaders, transcending mere organizational objectives to become deeply embedded in their personal drive. Leaders who adopt BHAGs take on the role of chief evangelists, constantly rallying their teams around these ambitious targets.

Obsessive Focus: This isn't just about setting goals; it's about a relentless, almost obsessive commitment to achieving them. Leaders who truly own their BHAGs infuse every decision, communication, and strategy with the energy and vision of these goals, making the pursuit of a BHAG not just a corporate initiative but a personal crusade that drives the entire organization's culture and momentum forward.


Allocating Sweat and Tears for the BHAG (Resource Commitment)

Achieving a BHAG requires a deep commitment of resources, including time, money, and talent. Organizations must be willing to invest in the necessary infrastructure, technology, and personnel to drive towards their audacious goals. This commitment often involves significant risks and sacrifices, but the potential rewards of achieving a BHAG can redefine industries and change lives.


Serial and Parallel BHAGs

Serial BHAGs involve focusing on one major goal at a time, ensuring all resources and efforts are aligned toward achieving it before moving on to the next. This approach can provide clarity and focus but may limit an organization’s ability to diversify its ambitions.

Parallel BHAGs, on the other hand, involve pursuing multiple big goals simultaneously. This strategy can maximize impact and foster innovation across different areas but requires careful management to avoid overextending resources and losing focus.



BHAG Type Pros Cons

Serial BHAGs

- Clear focus on a single objective

- Slower progress on other opportunities


- Reduced risk of resource dilution

- Potential for missed timing in dynamic markets


- Easier to maintain alignment and commitment


Parallel BHAGs

- Accelerated progress across multiple fronts

- Risk of spreading resources too thin


- Diversification of risks and opportunities

- Challenges in maintaining consistent focus and momentum


- Potential for cross-pollination of ideas and innovations




BHAG Next: A Continuous Process

BHAGs are not just one-time goals but should evolve as the organization grows and achieves its milestones. After reaching a BHAG, it's crucial to set the next one, maintaining the momentum and driving the organization forward. This continuous process of setting and achieving BHAGs keeps a company vibrant, competitive, and relevant in a rapidly changing world.


Setting a BHAG is about thinking beyond the current limitations and daring to dream big. It's about creating a vision that challenges the status quo and inspires everyone in the organization to stretch their capabilities. By embracing BHAGs, companies can achieve extraordinary success and set new standards in their industries.

About VCII

The Value Creation Innovation Institute (VCII) provides strategic guidance and innovative frameworks to help organizations set and achieve their BHAGs. With a focus on aligning resources, fostering innovation, and driving operational excellence, VCII empowers companies to pursue bold ambitions and redefine their industries.


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