The Value Creation Innovation Institute (VCII) stands at the forefront of thought leadership in the realms of venture capital, private equity, and digital transformation. Known for its unique and...
In a world increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence hype and facts, there’s one area where AI seems to get wrong - producing quality bullshit. AI BS is really bad at all levels. For...
The Overuse of the 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is widely celebrated for its ability to help prioritize tasks and maximize time efficiency. It’s true: 80%...
Globalization was supposed to make the world feel smaller and more connected, opening up opportunities for everyone, no matter where they’re from. But in reality, where you were born...
The Importance of Founders in Unicorn Creation
In the venture capital world, the pursuit of unicorns—startups valued at over $1 billion—is often considered the ultimate goal. However,...
In the professional world, emotions are often seen as a double-edged sword. For some, expressing emotions at work is seen as a risky move, something best left unsaid unless...
The Dark Side of Innovation
In the world of startups, innovation is often hailed as the holy grail—a beacon of originality and creativity that sets one venture apart from the rest. However,...
If Only Corporates Had an AI Sandbox...
In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, AI is not just a buzzword—it's a fundamental force driving innovation. Yet, for many corporates, the...
Hire Trophies, But for Their Skills—Not Just Their Titles
The allure of hiring high-profile individuals—often referred to as "Trophy Hires"—can be overwhelming. These are the...
Introduction - Building to Last
If you want to Exit, then you have to Last! Not just the startup, but as a founder: your dreams, your enjoyment, and your wealth!
Building a startup is a...
In our first podcast episode, Vici is answering YOUR questions about VCII and sharing the key value and benefits we bring to the table.